Easy Guide to using f-strings in Python with examples f-strings were introduced in Python 3.6. String formatting has been made simpler with f-strings. f-strings are of the form f" " or f' ' . Let's look at some examples to understand this better. How to print a variable using f-strings? name = "James Bond" drink = "martini" serving_type = "shaken and not stirred" f"My name is {name} and I like my {drink} {serving_type}" --->My name is James Bond and I like my martini shaken and not stirred f-strings use a { } to evaluate any expression and format it as a string. The above example evaluates each of the variables within curly braces and formats it as string. How to use mathematical expressions with f-strings f"2x2 = {2*2}" --->2x2 = 4 f"Square of 8 is {8**2} ---> Square of 8 is 64 Practically anything can be put inside the { } as long as the expresson eval...